Our Vision and Values
Our Mission Statement:
‘To Live as Jesus Taught Us’
This is evident across our school as Christ is at the centre of all that we do here at Our Lady of Compassion. We do our best to ensure that everyone is treated with care and respect, where all children feel loved and celebrated by realising their God-given talents.
Our Multi Academy Company (MAC) Mission Statement:
‘Strong in Faith’
This is celebrated alongside our school’s statement and is also evident across our school. The mission of our MAC, Our Lady and All Saints (OLAAS), a family of 13 schools, is to work together to support our children and families. Being ‘Strong in Faith’ enables our schools, governors, directors, parents, staff and children to embed their Gospel values and strengthen their love for God.
Our vision at Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School is to foster our children’s love of learning in order for them to achieve their full potential.
We strive for our children to be a light to the world, through God’s love, taking ownership and responsibility for their learning. We strive to equip our children to meet the challenges of a changing future where they can thrive emotionally, physically, academically and spiritually, instilling the values of resilience and confidence to face new challenges.
This is achieved within our inclusive ethos that values every individual within our community.
School Aims Based On Our Mission
At Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School we aim to:
- Provide a rich curriculum and strong Catholic ethos to instil the Gospel values in our children, teaching them to be kind, caring, forgiving and respectful young people.
- Make links between the teachings of Jesus and how we behave and treat others in our own lives.
- Have high expectations of all children and provide varied learning experiences within a broad and balanced curriculum that feed the children’s natural curiosity and promote a love of learning;
- Provide a stimulating, attractive and interactive environment that promotes learning;
- Ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential – this is achieved through positive action regarding culture, religion, gender, ability and aptitude;
- Nurture a learning community of families, governors and other individuals to enrich educational opportunities;
- Develop self-esteem, respect and social skills enabling children to form positive relationships within school and in the context of a modern multi-cultural society.
OLC Values
At Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School, we promote British Values, in line with the DfE’s expectations regarding ‘a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.’
As a Catholic school we follow the Gospel teachings – to love God and love one another:
- We follow the example set by Jesus.
- We believe we are all made in the image and likeness of God.
- We show our love for others through contributing to the common good.
- We show our love for others through respect for all members of God’s family and as such reject all discrimination.
This forms the basis for all that we do at Our Lady of Compassion and ensures British Values are an integral part of this.
Pupils have the opportunity to contribute to their learning journey through pupil voice as part of our School Council and through pupil questionnaires. The children have the opportunity of electing two representatives from each class who they feel will best represent their class’ views. School council candidates are required to prepare campaign speeches outlining their suitability for the role and their vision for the school. The school council is actively involved in the life of the school and in decision making processes, promoting pupil leadership.
The Rule of Law
The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, is that they are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as celebrated on a daily basis and through school assemblies. Pupils are taught the values and reasons behind laws - that they govern and protect us - the responsibilities that result from these and the consequences that occur when laws are broken.
Individual Liberty
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through our provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised on how to exercise these choices wisely.
Mutual Respect
This is a fundamental part of our Faith and school ethos. Pupils have regular discussions and assemblies on what respect means and how it is shown to others.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
This is achieved through enhancing pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and are given opportunities to experience such diversity. Each year children study different cultures and faiths through International Studies.