The Governing Body
The governing body is a group of volunteers, mostly appointed by the church authorities, to oversee the work of the headteacher and staff and ensure that the school meets its aims and the needs of its community as well as it can.
We are fortunate to have a committed group of governors, many parents and ex-parents from a wide variety of backgrounds, at Our Lady of Compassion, supporting the school in doing its very best for our children and helping them reach their full potential within the context of our mission : "To live as Jesus taught us".
Here's what we do and how we do it:
The role of the Governing Body is to:
- Help shape the vision and direction of the school.
- Have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school.
- Support and challenge the senior leadership team.
- Hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides.
- Ensure that the school fulfills its statutory duties and the duties determined by the Archbishop.
- Monitor, review and develop plans and policies for effective school improvement
How do we work?
To fulfill all of these roles and responsibilities the Governing Body delegates some of the work to groups of Governors. The whole Governing Body meets at termly intervals (and sometimes more often) to discuss what is happening at school and plan strategically for the future.
Governors also have links to specific specialist areas (e.g school improvement, special needs, health and safety, curriculum) and visit the school to help ensure these areas are being well delivered and developed within the school.