Catholic Life
Our Faith
Religious Education is an integral part of our school and is embedded in our ethos, vision, values and aims. Our faith permeates all aspects of our school life and is deeply ingrained in our curriculum. To ensure our children develop spiritually during their time at OLC we nurture the links between home, school and parish enabling our children to become disciples of Christ.
Prayer and Liturgy
Our Catholic Faith is central to the day-to-day life of our school. Pupils are encouraged to recognise the importance of their faith and how they apply this to their everyday lives. Through the rich liturgical calendar at Our Lady of Compassion, our children respond to all forms of liturgy and prayer with respect and reverence which is evident throughout school, in Church and in the wider community.
The Celebration of the Eucharist and prayer are central to our school. Our Parish Priests regularly celebrate Mass for us as we celebrate special whole school Masses, Chapel Masses, Phase Masses, feast days, holy days of obligation.
All acts of worship have a liturgical structure and are thoroughly planned and delivered.